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CMA 4150Rectangular black stained rattan basket
Dim : 36 x 27 x 7-8
CMA 4110Brown stained recycled paper basket
Dim : 42-38 x 28 x 11-16
CMA 4030Taupe grey lacquered wire basket
Dim : 46-41 x 30 x 8-11
CMA 4060 JRectangular half willow basket
Dim : 38 x 28 x 10
CMA 4011Stained rattan basket
Dim : from 30 to 36 cm
CMA 3731Brown croco cardboard basket
Dim : from 27 to 36 cm
CMA 3851Red croco cardboard basket
CMA 3890 CRectangular half willow basket
Dim : 40 x 29 x 15
CMA 3970Rectangular pine wood basket
Dim : 48 x 35 x 13
CMA 3940Rectangular half willow and wood basket
Dim : 31 x 22 x 9
CMA 3880 CRectangular wood and willow basket
CMA 3870 CRectangular wood and willow basket
Dim : 33 x 23 x 9
CMA 3841Rectangular cardboard basket
Dim : from 27 to 33 cm
CMA 3810Rectangular blue stained bamboo basket
Dim : 33 x 20 x 7
CMA 3800Rectangular olive green stained bamboo basket
CMA 3760Rectangular grey blue stained bamboo basket
Dim : from 33 to 36 cm
CMA 3540 JRectangular grey willow basket
Dim : 38 x 28 x 14
CMA 3670 CRectangular split willow basket
Dim : 33 x 23 x 8
CMA 3660 CRectangular palm leaf basket
CMA 3600 JRectangular unpeeled willow basket
Dim : 36 x 26 x 12
CMA 3520 CRectangular stained willow and wood basket
Dim : 35 x 25 x 10-16
CMA 3530 CRectangular stained willow and wood basket
Dim : 35 x 18 x 15-21
CMA 3712Grey crocodile cardboard basket
CMA 3692Blue crocodile cardboard basket
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