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CNO 2170Red lacquered metal sled-shaped basket
Dim : 21 x 12 x 10 # in 17,5 x 11,...
GCO 2940Lacquered zinc basket with dragonfly design
Dim : 27 x 13 x 11
GCO 2900Red lacquered zinc basket
Dim : 28 x 16,5 x 8-10
GCO 2780Lacquered zinc basket
Dim : 24,5 x 13 x 15
GCO 2770Lacquered zinc boat basket
Dim : 38 x 15 x 13
CDA 531 SPWood willow and zinc baskets (set of 2)
Dim : 24,5 x 15 x 12-16,5 to 30 x ...
CCO 7851 JRusty wire basket
Dim : from 20 to 28 cm
CDA 4990 JGrey wire basket
Dim : 26 x 17 x 10-14 (oval)
CFA 2440Silver metal star flat basket
Dim : 20 x 20 x 3,5
CFA 2430Silver metal pine tree flat basket
Dim : 20,5 x 16,5 x 4
CPA 1010Rusty wire breadbasket
Dim : 23 x 15 x 6-8
GJA 1450Zinc basket
Dim : 40 x 19,5 x 10
CDA 3220Rusty wire basket
Dim : 36 x 31 x 6-10
CDA 4560 JRusty wire basket with wooden handles
Dim : 26 x 17 x 10-13 (oval)
CFA 2410Heart-shaped lavender colored metal basket
Dim : 20 x 20 x 7
CPL 2010Wire basket
Dim : 27 x 18 x 4
GCO 4220Round galvanized metal basket Christmas Tree
Dim : ø 22-18 h 10
GCO 4180Galvanized metal basket Christmas Tree
Dim : ø 25-20 h 11
GCO 401 SMetal baskets Leaf (set of 3)
Dim : 54 x 15 x 3 à 76 x 21 x 5
GCO 4030Lacquered metal basket
Dim : ø 25 h 10
GCP 2100Lacquered metal baskets
Dim : ø 13-9,5 h 13
GCO 3980Gold lacquered metal basket
Dim : 22,5 x 17 x 12,5-15
GPA 1410Lacquered metal basket Plaisir
Dim : 16 x 8 x 11,5-19
GCO 3930Lacquered metal basket Bonheur
Dim : 11,5 x 11,5 x 5-8
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